Tuesday, 5 March 2013

obsession #2..or is it #3..

...a few years ago our house was full of blankets...the crochet kind...granny square...afghan...stripe...I think you get the picture or see here ...if you want to get a better idea...now they are all folded neatly and have been put to one side to make way for a new obsession....

quilts...all these lovely new fabrics and patterns drew me in and I am hooked...

one for a friend :)

the way they look so different to the faded vintage prints I so love using is the best bit....

one for our #2

 ...this also means that my boys don't seem to mind having them around...

the latest one

so now we all have one on our bed...

mine..all mine :)

of course I still love the old florals :)

these throws are reduced at the moment in my shop

I am looking forward to making a few more quilts and then I think I need to move onto something else ...or we will need to move to a bigger house ;-)

hope you are having a happy week x x x x x 

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